Sol 10469...

I do kind of miss the ramblings of a madman that I used to do here while reporting and predicting Covid case counts.

I need a space to type out my thoughts while I work on these bigger projects, sans alcohol.

Currently I am monitoring the success rate of a few stock forecasting scripts. Since I started using Python to inform me of good stocks three months ago, I have seen a 27% return. I’ll probably get into more detail on the subject later, but it includes using Python to do a few things.

  1. Read over the last decade+ of data that Yahoo Finance has on the give stocks and create a ML model to predict the next business days closing price. It’s not usually very accurate on the price, but it is fairly good at predicting the direction the stock will go.

  2. Use MACD, RSI, DMA, SMA30, SMA14, SMA30 together to identify buy and sell signals on a daily basis and alert me when the stock enters either signal.

I then get these reports every morning via email.

I’m looking towards improving these approaches and other signals I should look towards.