Bird Flu

I’m staring at a rabbit hole I know will take me far.

The bird flu interests me on multiple levels.

One: It’s tied to my work seeing as we work with poultry.

Two: It reminds me of the early days of Covid. Lots of numbers being thrown around without any real idea what is happening.

Three: It seems to me, at least on the surface, that this thing could be easily tracked and predictable. To a degree.

On the last part, if birds are getting sick, it would be easy to assume that farms/processing plants dealing with ABF (Anti-Biotic Free) and/or organic poultry may be more susceptible to an outbreak. Therefore, the human and animal populations within the surrounding area have a higher potential of mutation and transmission. So by mapping all these farms and processing plant, we can establish potential human case starting points across the entire US.

Getting all this data together will be a bitch. I think I’ll have to get all the poultry farms and plants by zip code. Then categorize them by type. Then get the reporting data of sick animals and human cases and overlay that data. See if my hunch is correct. From there I can build prediction models and track this thing much like I did with Covid. Oh the good old days….